Sunday 23 December 2012

Ending Our Maya: Our way of Celebrating Christmas 2012 & New Year 2013

Mayan Calender
For the ancient Mayans, December 21, 2012 was a huge celebration time for making it to the end of a whole cyclical moment of cosmic shifting. For modern people entangled in their own Maya (Illusion) like us, it gave us a chance to rejuvenate and start afresh. This article is inviting us to just do that by acknowledging the end of Maya from our life.
Every morning is the Big Bang and every night is a doomsday. Every birth is the beginning of a calendar while every death is end of one. This approach is also known as Nitya Pralaya (regular doomsday) which is defined as sleep or death.
December 21, 2012 signified much more than Nitya Pralaya and indicated something very similar to Atyantik Pralaya, also termed as Moksha, salvation by a soul to be free from all illusions of life.  
Although Earth is moving into a new realm of consciousness since 21 December 2012, doomsday for every individual will be happening on different time determined by the spiritual realization of each soul and its self determination and realization to be free. This article is to prepare us for taking the opportunity for salvation of our soul by ending our Maya from our respective lives - Now.
The word origin of māyā is derived from Sanskrit roots ma meaning "not" and ya meaning "that". To prevent the mind from attaching itself to its own perspective about reality as the complete truth, term MaYa is used to indicate that truth is "Not that." End of Maya is not end of illusions of mind.
Ending our Maya simply means getting out from our habit of clinging on to our perspective as the truth. As we end our attachment with our judgements about the truth, we also free ourselves, our relations and people in our life from our expectations, prejudices, allegations, blame games, inferiority or superiority complexes, guilt and negativities.
Maya as "illusion" is centered on the fact that we do not experience the environment itself but rather a projection of it, created by us.  When we attach our mind to this illusion as the truth, we get into the vicious cycle of expectations and judgements taking us away from truth, life, love & abundance.
It is time to end our Maya in order to regain the original freedom of our soul. For freedom to be and see the facts as it is (including witnessing our Maya as our Maya and not as the truth) is the first, of all Soul Rights (similar to Human Rights) of every soul.
Maya can be categorized into two types Positive and Negative. Of partial reality, it indicates rosy and thorny pictures respectively. This is irrespective of actual reality. As Maya hides actual reality with its partial pictures, it requires to be ended whether it is positive or negative. This is crucial so that we can see, understand, appreciate and enrich our actual lives in its true form and to its best in actual reality.
Scriptures give symbolic examples of both negative and positive Maya very effectively. Symbolic example of negative Maya is when we fear rope kept in darkness because we have illusion about the rope that it is a snake. 
In today’s life, this can be related to our irrational fears and phobias. This also indicates times when we did not make new friends because we had illusion about them that they will harm us.  Symbolic example of positive Maya is when we feel sure that lion will not eat us because we are vegetarians. In today’s life it can be related to times when we trusted our dreams and others blindly without observing their nature, habits and character. This also indicate times when we thought that certain friends will help us just because we have helped them or will not cheat us just because we have not done so.
It is rare that our Maya (our illusions our judgements) matches with the actual truth. Even when it does match, it matches only partially and that too for some time, but it is for sure not likely to match fully or for long. This is because truth is highly comprehensive & dynamic. Truth is changing so many variables every moment whereas judgements are getting formed based on consideration of limited variables and that too over a period of time. It is a matter of time when judgements fail to pace up with the free flowing pace of dynamic truth / life / reality.  
Inevitably in all cases whether we like it or not, actual reality shows up sooner or later to be different than what was judged / predicted / expected by us. That is when we are being victim of our own Maya and yet we feel we are being victimized / ditched / shocked / surprised by others who did not behave the way We thought they would.
Well, let us note that whether positive or negative, our Maya is Our Maya. And the world is not, need not, should not and will not perform accordingly. Everyone is free and everyone will act as per their dynamic nature & their ever changing free will. This will be so irrespective of what illusions we chose to cling on to about them / our relationship with them. The sooner we realize this, sooner we will end our own Maya from our lives.
Only way we can end this Maya is through our insight into our mental & spiritual journey, identifying the illusions developed or collected at each stage of the journey, making conscious choice with commitment to release the bondage with the illusions and consistent practice to do so.
We have grown our Maya in the garden of our lives throughout the life, and to end it permanently we need to uproot it from every stage / phase / memory of our lives. To end Maya in our lives we need to understand how and when it started in our lives. Well, it started right from the 9 months before birth. It is these 'nine months' decisive period when we as unborn baby could not only listen & feel but also responded in our own way. 60% of brain development occurred in intrauterine period. We started imbibing Maya from the world right from this stage.
Among Parent-to-child transmission of infectious diseases the most serious, most common and least discussed disease and that is the transmission of Maya – infection passed on at spiritual level from parent to child. Definition of Reproductive Justice includes mental, spiritual, and social well-being of our parents enabling them to make healthy decisions for selves in all areas of lives. Though unintentionally, this justice do get delayed if not denied in most cases.
Our parents own mental, spiritual & social health directly determines their preparedness to develop us as divine child free from Maya. Transmission of Maya multiplies when the Pregnancy is less by choice & more by chance and that too by parents who are yet to be mentally, socially & spiritually free of illusions. These illusions are in the form of their own clinging to their own judgements, prejudices and expectations from life as the truth.

At this stage we are very open to negative Maya of our parents (their negative judgements about self, each other and life in general). Most commonly seen negative Maya especially among first time mothers include inferiority complex, insecurities & feeling of helplessness. Most commonly seen negative Maya especially among first time fathers include superiority complex, aversion to commitment & sense of burden of responsibility. Though unintentionally, parents do pass on their negative Maya to us before our birth.
This Maya passed on from parents can be seen in the form of our personality & fears in our early years of childhood.  It is seen very vividly in the eldest child in the family. With next child, intensity of the Maya passed on from parents to child reduces due to increasing maturity of parents as individual and with their greater experience and understanding of role as parents. More or less, positive or negative, every child does get Maya from parents.
Let us free the child within us from the illusions it inherited from parents in past as the truth.
Peak time when we circum to positive Maya, Rosy Picture of real World, is during our adolescence our Teen age. Most common positive Maya in this age include having unrealistically positive ideas about our preferred career choices, taking life & future challenges as too easy, interpreting flattery or curiosity as love etc. resulting in inappropriate choices with respect to education, careers, friends & love.
Does our Maya end with end of Maya imbibed during childhood or adolescence? No, in adulthood we do have new set of Mayas that we need to be aware of in order to end it. We are challenged with new set of Mayas when we get married.
Maya post marriage can be positive Maya based on our own feelings about the spouse instigating our blind faith and total emotional dependence on spouse. This faith is called our Maya as it is irrespective of actual understanding about the spouse, his or her habits, character in crisis and ever changing nature.
Maya post marriage can also be negative Maya based on our own ego & insecurities based on our individual inferiority or superiority complex as spouse. This can start instigating our doubting nature against spouse, increasing level of demands and dominance, deepening levels of blames and allegations, worsening intensity of disrespect and damages. This too is our own Maya as it is operating irrespective of the actual potential, performance and personality of the spouse.
We all have observed so many marriages and individuals deteriorate due to too much of one sided positive or negative Maya. Most tragic examples are when both spouses suffer from opposite types of Mayas complementing each other’s Maya till the relationship & the individuals are broken apart. Typical example can be of a wife suffering with positive Maya full of surrender, sentimentalism & blind faith, tolerating exploitation by the husband who himself is suffering from negative Maya full of doubt, insensitivity, allegations and violence.
Let us free the spouse within us & with us from the illusions he / she felt and faced as the truth about each other.
Another very important relation where we need to end Maya is in our professional relationships with people from same profession. This is because intentionally or not, they do play significant role in shaping our professional identity in our own eyes. Positive Maya may put one into unrealistic partnership with undue dependence of one on another. Negative Maya may put one into destructive exercise of inappropriate criticism, disrespectful conduct, leg pulling, professional espionage & sabotage.
Let us free the professional within us & around us from the illusions he / she felt and faced as the truth about each other.
If you are a parent, then you have real opportunity to experience futility of our Maya. Our children do act as our eye openers PROVIDED we can observe them impartially and with open mind. Our positive Maya can make us over pampering / over protective / over interfering / over expecting parent. Our negative Maya can make us over criticizing / over demanding / over nagging parent. In either case it affect the child, the relation and the parent without helping the situation in hand.
Let us free the parent within us & the children around us from the illusions we felt and faced as the truth about each other.
Whatever may be our age and stage of life, it is time to be free of both types of Maya. Let this freedom be applied to all our relations with people, things and events of past, present & future. This is essential to be able to realize the truth as it is. This is critical to understand difference between actual reality and our illusions about the same. One of the starkest ways of reminding importance of ending our Maya is in reminding how we underwent mental / social / spiritual rape by self & others thanks to our Maya.
As we perform our duty to free ourselves from our Maya first, we also regain our ability to freely exercise our right of freedom from others Maya regarding us. And it is only then that we enable ourselves to live life as magnificently as it is meant to be with purposeful originality, divinity, dignity & grace for self & others.
The way in which we can end our Maya is by acknowledging us as the creator of our own Maya and accepting others for being what they were naturally. This requires objective review of all involved in our past starting with self. It also requires learning from the past choices made and consequences faced under the illusion by us. Easy to say than done but it is much easier to do rather than continuing the blame game, guilt or shame punishing us for not seeing in darkness in past even after it has come to light at present.
This realization is helping us to take the ownership for our Maya created in our life till date. It is helping us to discover these illusions as our creation our choice and our collection of thoughts. This discovery is  empowering us to free ourselves from the external locus of control, sense of helplessness and vulnerability perceived in front of other people / relations / situations  in past.
Yes today is the end of Maya. So what? It is Not the end of the world. Rather it is the beginning of life. We have been running behind the imaginary light of our own Maya. Now it’s no more. What Next? It’s our time now to become a beacon of light ourselves and to bring others into light of their own free spirit.
Now that we have ended our Maya It is now that this self is a complete adult.  A complete adult is defined as the one who is well aware of one’s own capacity to create new illusions.  And has the ability Not to get attached with the illusions as the truth while deciding how to respond to life in present. It is now that we respond to life as it is by being fully present in present.
As end of our Maya from past is achieved and rebirth of Maya in present is prevented, let us celebrate, Atyantik Pralaya, our Moksha, every day of every calendar because for the free spirit every moment is a festival of life. And our spirits are free! Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
Always with you in the journey of ending negative Maya
Shilpa Savant Inamdar

Wednesday 19 December 2012

Listen To Your Inner Calling!!!

Inner Calling is something we tend to ignore many a times but that is what we need to listen to whenever we are standing at a crossroad in our life. I have experienced inner calling and I have helped many a person to understand the worth of listening to it and how exactly things take a turn after one listens to his / her inner calling.
Since childhood I have this gift of communicating with the higher power through meditation and finding solutions for every problem that is presented to me by any of my clients or near and dear ones.
People couldnt realize that potential of inner calling until they started experiencing the same in physical form. One of my best friends was negotiating for a job with a potential company. The inner calling told me to inform her to ask for an X amount of fee. She found it to be unrealistic but I persisted that on the negotiation table she take the amount I specified with lot of confidence.
When she was called for negotiations the Manager offered her a paltry raise, which she declined and put her offer to him. He didnt feel convinced and said he will have to think about it. She confidently left only to be informed by the management that she will get the amount she asked for.
From the incident we need to understand is at times our inner calling will give us information which our practical world will find it unreasonable, however if you go with it then definitely the universe will shower you with lot of abundance, love and joy.

So till next time, ask your inner self for any answers you need for any situation in life and trust me your inner self will not let you down.
Always with you in the journey of listening to your inner calling.
Shilpa Savant Inamdar

Friday 7 December 2012

Soul Calling!!!

As a Healer, Energy Therapist and a Soul Communicator, when I say Soul Calling, most of my clients do not know what I mean? I would want to touch base on this aspect of life today.
When I say Soul Calling, it means the three aspects of Soul Calling that are experienced by me during Soul Communication sessions.  
1) Significance of following the calling of own Soul while communicating with others.
2) Respecting the other soul (crossed over or alive) communicating with us.
3) Interconnection and communication in the cosmos.
Generally we all come across a term “Follow Your Own Calling."  It is nothing but a term that is used to remind us to listen to our inner voice for understanding and following the true purpose of life. It is interesting to know, who is calling us from within? It is the “I AM” - The inherent and independent existence / soul within us. This leads us to the first aspect of Soul Calling. 

Significance of following the calling of own Soul while communicating with others:
Listening to the voice of our soul is of utmost importance while communicating with others. Please note that any misalignment between what we say and what we really want to say can lead to energy blockages, resulting in emotional as well as physical issues. As Energy Therapist I have come across numerous cases where lack of expression (suppression of emotion , undue silence) or Excess of expressions (aggression, brashness, high pitch, high volume, high speed) have caused very serious illnesses. In all such cases, to sustain good health after healing, it is most important that they speak the language of their soul. Hence to the reader, my request is to follow your own inner guidance while expressing yourself to others. On the other end, we also need to respect the other soul communicating with us with equal sensitivity.
Respecting the other soul (crossed over or alive) communicating with us:
This is the first instruction as Soul Communicator / Medium (for cross over soul) we need to follow. This is also very essential for the listening client to benefit from the conversation. I remember cases where soul was more inclined to communicate to the client for betterment of client future. The messages ranged from pre warning of forth coming diseases, help regarding career guidance, confessions and forgiveness, warning regarding certain people, helping client to get over addictions,  specifying purpose of clients life, assurance for need based guidance, protection etc.
The intensity of benefits are in direct proportion of the respect and implementation under taken by the client. Let us pay the same respect even while listening to people around us. In most cases the benefits we get from others are in direct proportion of our effectiveness in listening to them. We do not have to wait till the soul crosses over to realize we all are connected forever. Please be mindful and not merciless while treating others as you never know which one would be our last interaction in this lifetime. Moreover please take extra effort to conclude every conversation and resolve all pending issues with each other 'ASAP'. Because any unresolved issue would ensure that you would repeat the history again and again over lifetimes with the same soul till you resolve them. The best quote to summerize this aspect is “Do unto others what you want others to do unto you”.   
Interconnection and communication in the cosmos:
In the above two aspects we talked about how one soul should speak/listen to other soul. Yet the deeper fact is that we are One Soul. There are ample examples of how the entire cosmos is connected with each of its atom in multiple ways. What is more interesting is the fact that the cosmos is communicating using its interconnection with each atom continuously. In simple words the cosmos is one body and the communication goes on between the body parts continuously. This communication happens mainly at subconscious level. Yet the harmony in which everything is evolving in a highly synchronized manner shows us the existence and effectiveness of communication throughout cosmos. Once we realize this, we would also realize the following :
a) Every blade of grass has his own Angel asking it to grow grow grow.
b) Taking good care of our own self is the first duty and contribution towards the cosmos.
c)  Natural and Transparent communication nurtures collective evolution, dynamic balance and sustainable harmony.
Even if you are not a Healer or Soul Communicator/ Medium, you are still part of the same Soul. As one soul, let us practice soul to soul communication in our life. If we can raise ourselves and our perspective about others at the pristine level of soul, then we can enjoy continuity of our eternal life and universal relations across the Mayan calendar, across life times. Now is the time to re -energize ourselves towards Soul to Soul communication in each of our interaction with self , others and with the Universal Self.
With Salutations to Your Being ,
Shilpa Savant Inamdar


Tuesday 4 December 2012

Significance Of Being Alone!

As per the wise men, there are primarily two types of events that take place in life viz; Blessings and Blessings in Disguise. Today I am focusing on one such blessing in disguise i.e. Being Alone.
All of us are human beings and yet we spend most of our time in Human Doings with hardly any time just to be one. This takes away the golden possibilities that are linked with the period of Being and these includes possibility of reviewing ones past, observing present, planning for future and most importantly self awareness.
One of the main reasons for missing these opportunities is having our focus on things or beings that are Outside Us. We are found busy listening, speaking  and thinking about others, and doing things for someone else. We tend to do so because as a social animal we have created our self image in terms of relationships with others. Thank God for the time when we are alone that we are able to take charge of our lives back in our hands with much self-awareness and self-understanding. One relationship which gets prime attention during lonely time is our friendship with our self. It is vital for our life to be meaningful and being worthwhile.
Surprisingly, many people make a mistake of misinterpreting people alone as available/vulnerable however in reality it is quite the reverse. A person who is found vulnerable in relation to someone can be quite a strong human being when alone. This is thanks to greater clarity of thought and deeper command on one’s own behavior. It is very tough to accept the fact that you come alone and you leave alone. The lonely people live this fact day in and day out making them much more mature and stronger than many others. It is no wonder or co-incidence that most of our Saints, Philosophers, Scientists, Leaders, Artists, Writers, Teachers etc. lived significant part of their life alone. Next time when we meet any person who is generally alone, let us take the privilege of learning from them.
On the contrarary, next time when we are alone ourselves let us honor the opportunity by focusing our energy on understanding our baser nature. When we accept and understand our baser nature we would realize the immense energy it carries. Channelizing our baser nature towards harmony and balance will act as a bridge between the higher self and the incarnated us so as to become more receptive to the flow of Abundance, Wisdom and Joy.
As Guided by Shri Krishna in The Bhagavad Gita, "Steady in the Self, being freed from all material contamination, the yogi achieves the higher perfectional stage of happiness in touch with Supreme Consciousness." This is the time when a person becomes steadier, develops system perspective and realizes his integration with the universe (Yoga). Therefore such a Yogi naturally attracts goodness in his life and enjoys it through his mastery in sustaining the same.
Thus Social life is a Blessing and Solo life is a Blessing in Disguise so let us make the best of both the blessings for our own self realization. It is a good idea to nurture right balance between social and time alone in daily schedule of our life.
As a social citizen let us treat the people living alone with due respect and space because whether together or alone we all are one.
In the journey of self realization.
Shilpa Savant Inamdar

Saturday 1 December 2012

Past Life Regression

Dear Friends, I would like to share a particular case that I came across few years back which left a huge impact on me.

Being a Past Life Regression Therapist I come across many patients who are dealing with many issues that has followed them from many previous lifetimes. There was this particular person who was very upset because he had a three year old baby boy who was paralyzed from neck below.

After many therapies and medical assistance that failed to help recover the child the traumatized parents were sent to me by another friend of mine who thought I could help the child by healing therapies.

When I met this kid I realized that it was not something that could be solved by any medical or healing therapies,as this soul had some particular agenda to fulfill and for that it had come to this world and was born in this particular family and that too to this particular chosen couple.

My inner voice and the angels guided me to do a PLR for the child but he was too young to undergo the same and therefore I decided to undertake the same with the father of the child.
What I got to know from this session was something very amazing and unbelievable. It was very difficult to get the man to undergo the session as his mind kept wandering until we did a couple of try's in next couple of weeks.

The sessions took us to a different time period in one of his previous births where he was a dacoit who looted villages and during one of his plunders he happened to visit this particular village where he noticed a beautiful maiden who in this birth was his three year old son.

This beautiful maiden was married to man who treated her brutally and he physically and mentally tortured her. This husband of hers was the mother of the child in this birth. The beautiful maiden took her torturous life as her karma and lived with it until this dacoit plundered her village and took fascination to her.

He abducted her and took her with him to his den where he raped her and once he was over with her he smashed her head with a boulder. Before she died she cursed the dacoit and her husband and told him that next birth she would return only to give them the same trauma she underwent in that particular life.

After the session I along with the man and his wife were surprised with the revelations. After doing penance for the crimes done by them in their previous birth to the woman who took birth as their child in this birth, they were able to lead a proper life. In return the child recovered and is presently leading a fulfilled life with his parents.

So this really proves that our actions in our previous lives always follows us in our next lifetime, therefore it is very necessary for us to do good karma so that we have a good life in our next lifetime too.

Helping you understand the right way of life.

Shilpa Savant Inamdar

Thursday 29 November 2012

Just Turn Around!!!

Some of my friends requested me to write about few turn around cases I have observed in my life. This article is in response to that request. I have seen 5 Levels of turning around.

1) Taking 180 degree turn of directions in life.
2) Turning situations /relations /personality 180 degrees.
3) Turning around from outside-in to inside-out.
4) Turn around as observed in galaxy.
5) Turn around during every moment of life as the way of life.

Lets me explain each level in detail for you to get a better understanding.

1)      Taking 180 degree turn of directions in life: All of us have observed this in our life. Simplest example of it is when we go for a morning / evening walk this is the time when we are likely to see one of the two. Either shadows longer than our size or beautiful inspiring colors of the sun rising /setting right in front of us. Observing one should also make us aware of the presence of others behind us. Let us apply this fact to other situations in life. When we are starting a new relationship we see inspiring beautiful future in front of our eyes. Yet this is the very time when many of our past relations are getting shadowed behind us. In reverse case when we find that most of the relations in front of us are losing its shine and sparkle this is the very time when a new relationship is rising behind us. Now the learning here is to just turn around and acknowledge both with equal grace. The sun which is rising now is going to set within few hours so is the relationship. The unit of hours may vary to weeks or months or years in case of relationships. It is interesting to note that even when a relationship is about to end it spreads similar shine and shadow in our life. Hence use this time to appreciate both shadow and the shine and start preparing for the coming noon or night.

Everybody does that even birds, animals and the entire nature. It is an irony that so called intelligent human beings is caught unprepared when they face noon or night of a relationship. Instead of taking the sunrise /sunset of our relationship for granted, it is time to appreciate this phase of relationship as natural and work towards managing the next phase naturally. And the first step we take to do this is just turn around. Eg: I know a girl who showed her back to all her relations in order to marry a boy at a very young age. Though it was beautiful and inspiring during sun rise phase of their relation slowly and gradually tempers on both sides started rising to a boiling level. After a period of 15 years the couple realized the value of their earlier relations once they went through the usual struggling phase. Relationship finally reached a tipping point where the girl decided to turn around to the resting shade of her parents. On the surface it looks like a retreat yet actually it has turned her life around. Today she lives a far better quality of life in terms of self respect and serenity.

2)      Turning situations /relations /personality 180 degrees: To understand and nurture any relationship completely we should turn it around once in a while. This is because every coin has its two sides simultaneously. 

      In every situation threats and opportunities co-exist in equal proportion. Every relation has equal potential to be helpful or harmful. In every personality virtues and vices are present with equal intensity. We need to respect BOTH AND BEHAVE ACCORDINGLY. A true companion would not only understand and value all facets of the other with equal sensitivity, but also reciprocate with complementary facets of own personality .This requires care with courage to accept and love a person in totality. 
      Eg : I have witnessed a turned around relation between a senior and a junior. The relationship started with complete obedience by the junior and encouraging support by the senior. Though the junior rose to the level of peer very fast, the senior could not accept the peer facet of their relationship fast enough. The growth of the junior was sarcastically doubted and denied by the senior to retain his sense of superiority as compared to the junior. Obsessed by superiority complex senior was missing basic fact that the junior had become master in his own area of work. Naturally soon  the relationship started becoming suffocating for the junior and the companionship ended. Soon the junior turned around and created his own work space independent of the senior. Witnessing this has taught me a lesson that we need to respect the master within every soul. Never underestimate anyone. Labelling anyone ( as senior or junior ) can limit our own learning.

3)      Turning around from outside-in to inside-out: Most common example of this kind of turned around is of a seed. Yes it is made up of many contributions from outside - in .This includes contributions from parent tree, Sun, Soil ,Water, Air and so on…yet the life starts when it sprouts from inside out. In most cases a seed sprouts only after getting totally detached from the tree and when the fruit cover is highly dried, the moisture created by rain or water is adding fuel to fire of inside the seed. 

      For human example, Lets talk about us. Yes we too are made up of contributions from many. This includes Parents, teachers, sibling, friends, relatives etc….they have given us our identity outside-in .Yet our true identity gets revealed when we start experiencing the inner glow and then allowing it to express it to the outside world. In most cases we experience our inner glow during the darkest moment of our life esp. when we are totally detached with most of our emotional defenses /diversions are highly dried up. In such times even a drizzle of positivity can add fuel to the inner fire to express ones originality beyond the barriers of old self image. That is how character is build and success stories are made. 

4)    Turn Arounds as Observed in Galaxy
      If we look at the Galaxy with child like curiosity we see turn arounds happening at all levels - all in harmony. Each one is rotating around its own axis and at the same time revolving around its source on its own unique path. This observation itself offers us one significant realization about life. Every person is rotating around ones own identity and revolving around the larger Self ( family, community etc..) using its own unique path- in harmony with others. These turn around are natural and essential for sustaining life. Just like earth creates day and night, seasons through its own turn around. We create our good times and dark times through our own moods and Karmic cycles. The beauty is when we are moving on our own path , we all are in harmony with each other. At times it feels like someone else is causing eclipse in our lives, but the fact is someone is just turning around on his or her path. To get out of the eclipse is all we need to do is just continue to turn around our own path. The eclipse vanishes on its own without loosing harmony with each other.

5)      Turn Around during every moment of Life as the Way of Life : What is Life ? Life is about turning around, whether it is breathing cycle, blood circulation, etc..We are living because we are turning around. Its the way of life, it gives life to our body, relations our projects and every thing. Once we realize this, turning around becomes as natural as being in the flow. For that matter cycle of water itself is a clear example of continues turning around .The theory of Karma of what you sow so shall you reap is a continues cycle of soul evolution. It indicates whether we are conscious of it or not we are turning around at every moment .Now it is up to us to choose our own cause /path /direction to turn around with full awareness of self and full responsibility for harmony with others.

Wish you enjoy your journey and happily just turn around.  

Shilpa Savant Inamdar

Thursday 22 November 2012

The Way Of Life

Hi Friends Let’s talk Math today, The Math of Life.
Have we really understood the equation of life?

What’s the equation of life?
It is nothing but something that starts with a number as discussed in my previous sharing on Numerology (that everybody has been given a number at the beginning of their life) eg: total of the birth date. 

When I discuss significance of this number many of my students ask me “how this number was decided for me? Was this sheer coincidence or is there any rationale?”

The answer is YES there is a rationale with precision in how this was finalized for each one of us. We generally know it as ‘Theory of Karma’ and specifically experience it during a Past Life Regression (PLR).
Behind every number there is an equation and PLR uncovers the exact equation for each presiding number at the beginning of life. We often wonder why we were born in a particular family or society etc…The answers lie in what we have earned in our past life and how that life had concluded. The way we begin our life has its influence throughout the life and at a deeper surface the way we lived our past lives /died in our past lives, influences throughout the present life. PLR helps us in decoding these influences.

How does PLR help?
It helps us to realize that our present life is a direct result of our Past life Karmas and sanskaras (heritage and upbringing). To explain this let me share a real life example of one of my clients who was facing continuous brutal treatment physically and verbally from her spouse for rhyme or reason. It was during PLR that she realized that the roles were reverses in her earlier life where she had mistreated and abused her spouse.

This definitely helped her in finding some system behind her present chaos and with repeated PLR sessions she realized that this has been a continuous pattern that was spread across many life times.

How did it help?
1) Acceptance of self responsibility of her own situation in present life.
2) Better understanding for her spouse and his present behavioral pattern in relationship.
3) Greater ability to forgive her spouse.
4) Deeper conviction to break the pattern from affecting both souls across life times.
5)  Stronger faith in her own karma to be able to break free.

And the beauty of it all was that she could conclude and close the relationship with due forgiveness, healing and grace. Thanks to PLR and its appropriate interpretation, she was able to make her present life more effective for the soul through single focus.

Coming back to the equation of present life, how or what can we do to get the infinite as the result. I have the answer but we will come to that later as let us first get the basics clear.
Life has a multiplier effect hence we need to be very careful while dealing with negativity. If you combine negativity with positivity the final outcome would be negativity once multiplied eg: - 2 x 10 = -20, Now see here the positive number 10 is multiple times bigger than the negative number -2. Yet the final outcome is much bigger negative number i.e. -20. That is called as ‘The Power Of Association’. 

Let us remember in close relations, the equation of life does not apply simple addition or subtraction methods. The key equations of life relations are made of Multipliers and therefore please respond to negativity with negative response. If you are not at fault and somebody tries to slap you, then it’s time to hold the hand with greater force of your hand and question the misbehavior LOUD AND CLEAR.

At times the negativity around us may be too much for us to respond  and even at such times we have a choice and the choice is NOT TO RESPOND. No response in itself is a very POWERFUL RESPONSE eg: -500 x 0 = 0.

A no response ensures that we bring negativity around us back to neutral. In short, handle negativity either with negative response so that it can be converted into positive opportunity or do not respond to it at all so that the negativity does not exist any further.

Similarly PLEASE do not spread slightest of negativity among those who are positive about life because remember +10000000 x (- 1) = - 10000000.

The biggest example of this effect is when we do prayers. Universe is always pouring Love, Abundance and Joy without any resistance to whatever positive things we desire, yet if we approach the Universe with any one of the negative emotions such as Sadness, Jealousy, Doubt, Fear, Anger etc… then the result of our prayers will lead us from bad to worse all thanks to our own tiny negative emotion.

One such devastating negative emotion or influence is Disrespect - that can kill any relation irrespective of unlimited positivity from one end. In short let us meet negativity with negative response and positivity with positive response in life. The beauty of this process is that, we will get positive result in both cases.
Now coming back to the answer you have been waiting for. What is that one thing we can do to get the infinite as the result?

There is one master stroke to make any equation of life to be “= Infinity”. Any guess?? Come on its math’s!
Anyway :) 

Whatever may be your equation of life or lives just do one thing: Divide it with 0.
For example   9 / 0 = 90/0 = 900 /0 = 9000/0 = infinity. In other words the master key suggest 3 step solution .
Step 1: Convert the numerator in positive number by multiplying negativity with negative response and positivity with positive response.
Step 2: Divide the entire equation with 0.By underlining whatever you do with Zero ego.
Step 3: Focusing all energy only on the above two Step BY NOT INITIATING ANY NEW EQUATION.

Let’s take a real life example of those who reaped infinity from their lives such as Bill Gates, Oprah Winfrey and Amitabh Bachchan. All of them have applied the master key in their life. 

For example, Oprah Winfrey stood against slightest of negativity thrown towards her. With much greater determination and focused intention she also multiplied every positive opportunity she got with completely positive attitude and efforts. It was her ‘Step One’ that assured positive outcomes with every challenge and opportunity she faced.

What gave her infinite fame and goodwill was her ‘Step Two’. In spite of being such a Strong Lady herself she met every person in her life with utmost humility and grace. It was done to such an extent that there was total oneness in each of her conversation without making the other person self conscious of her presence.

This secret of her could sustain the abundance and goodwill that lies in her application of the ‘Step 3’. She focused all her energies on responding to the positive and negative questions asked to her. Whether it is Bill Gates, Oprah Winfrey or Amitabh Bachchan all of them have realized the following facts:
1) Life is too short even to respond to positives offered to us from all directions. So let’s do that rather than doing anything else.
2) Whatever may be the equation of our life at this moment let us apply the master key tool with full ownership and zero ego. PLR has re-established the fact that life is math and every number is made by our own karma.
3) Let’s be totally responsible towards our own future with complete humility toward every being we interact with and keep the focus on doing this only.
4) The best way to experience the equation of our life is to go through a PLR session through expert guidance. Unlike a Healing session the success of PLR depends mainly on our receptivity to the hypnotic suggestions.
5) We need to understand the equation of our life and take charge of it for it to result in Abundance.

On a lighter note this may be our only chance of avoiding PLR sessions for our psychotherapy of this life time in some other life time to be.

In the pursuit of better life with you.

Shilpa Savant Inamdar