Wednesday, 19 December 2012

Listen To Your Inner Calling!!!

Inner Calling is something we tend to ignore many a times but that is what we need to listen to whenever we are standing at a crossroad in our life. I have experienced inner calling and I have helped many a person to understand the worth of listening to it and how exactly things take a turn after one listens to his / her inner calling.
Since childhood I have this gift of communicating with the higher power through meditation and finding solutions for every problem that is presented to me by any of my clients or near and dear ones.
People couldnt realize that potential of inner calling until they started experiencing the same in physical form. One of my best friends was negotiating for a job with a potential company. The inner calling told me to inform her to ask for an X amount of fee. She found it to be unrealistic but I persisted that on the negotiation table she take the amount I specified with lot of confidence.
When she was called for negotiations the Manager offered her a paltry raise, which she declined and put her offer to him. He didnt feel convinced and said he will have to think about it. She confidently left only to be informed by the management that she will get the amount she asked for.
From the incident we need to understand is at times our inner calling will give us information which our practical world will find it unreasonable, however if you go with it then definitely the universe will shower you with lot of abundance, love and joy.

So till next time, ask your inner self for any answers you need for any situation in life and trust me your inner self will not let you down.
Always with you in the journey of listening to your inner calling.
Shilpa Savant Inamdar


  1. Shilpa Di,
    Is a woman with lot of love and kindness for the people who truly deserve it. Its her inner calling that never lets you down, if you listen to what she says blindly, she can get you places. She helps you develop your own inner calling with her talks and healings.

    I actually did not believe my own inner calling till the time I got to know her personally, I always had self-doubt, I just wanted someone to verify my inner guide's words and I gained confidence in my own inner calling when I saw that who so ever I suspected or had doubt over, her intuitive skills and power also indicated the same and if I still did not listen to what she said or what I felt about someone and did what my heart desired I was always IN FOR A BIG TROUBLE by not listening to my own and her INNER CALLING!!

    So all those who have reached her should be rest assured that they have reached in the right hands.

    Love and Luck

  2. Thanking you for such a short and sweet article on inner calling. Reminding us to listen to our inner calling too. With salutations to your inner calling and more so to your discipline to listen to them!
