Sunday, 23 December 2012

Ending Our Maya: Our way of Celebrating Christmas 2012 & New Year 2013

Mayan Calender
For the ancient Mayans, December 21, 2012 was a huge celebration time for making it to the end of a whole cyclical moment of cosmic shifting. For modern people entangled in their own Maya (Illusion) like us, it gave us a chance to rejuvenate and start afresh. This article is inviting us to just do that by acknowledging the end of Maya from our life.
Every morning is the Big Bang and every night is a doomsday. Every birth is the beginning of a calendar while every death is end of one. This approach is also known as Nitya Pralaya (regular doomsday) which is defined as sleep or death.
December 21, 2012 signified much more than Nitya Pralaya and indicated something very similar to Atyantik Pralaya, also termed as Moksha, salvation by a soul to be free from all illusions of life.  
Although Earth is moving into a new realm of consciousness since 21 December 2012, doomsday for every individual will be happening on different time determined by the spiritual realization of each soul and its self determination and realization to be free. This article is to prepare us for taking the opportunity for salvation of our soul by ending our Maya from our respective lives - Now.
The word origin of māyā is derived from Sanskrit roots ma meaning "not" and ya meaning "that". To prevent the mind from attaching itself to its own perspective about reality as the complete truth, term MaYa is used to indicate that truth is "Not that." End of Maya is not end of illusions of mind.
Ending our Maya simply means getting out from our habit of clinging on to our perspective as the truth. As we end our attachment with our judgements about the truth, we also free ourselves, our relations and people in our life from our expectations, prejudices, allegations, blame games, inferiority or superiority complexes, guilt and negativities.
Maya as "illusion" is centered on the fact that we do not experience the environment itself but rather a projection of it, created by us.  When we attach our mind to this illusion as the truth, we get into the vicious cycle of expectations and judgements taking us away from truth, life, love & abundance.
It is time to end our Maya in order to regain the original freedom of our soul. For freedom to be and see the facts as it is (including witnessing our Maya as our Maya and not as the truth) is the first, of all Soul Rights (similar to Human Rights) of every soul.
Maya can be categorized into two types Positive and Negative. Of partial reality, it indicates rosy and thorny pictures respectively. This is irrespective of actual reality. As Maya hides actual reality with its partial pictures, it requires to be ended whether it is positive or negative. This is crucial so that we can see, understand, appreciate and enrich our actual lives in its true form and to its best in actual reality.
Scriptures give symbolic examples of both negative and positive Maya very effectively. Symbolic example of negative Maya is when we fear rope kept in darkness because we have illusion about the rope that it is a snake. 
In today’s life, this can be related to our irrational fears and phobias. This also indicates times when we did not make new friends because we had illusion about them that they will harm us.  Symbolic example of positive Maya is when we feel sure that lion will not eat us because we are vegetarians. In today’s life it can be related to times when we trusted our dreams and others blindly without observing their nature, habits and character. This also indicate times when we thought that certain friends will help us just because we have helped them or will not cheat us just because we have not done so.
It is rare that our Maya (our illusions our judgements) matches with the actual truth. Even when it does match, it matches only partially and that too for some time, but it is for sure not likely to match fully or for long. This is because truth is highly comprehensive & dynamic. Truth is changing so many variables every moment whereas judgements are getting formed based on consideration of limited variables and that too over a period of time. It is a matter of time when judgements fail to pace up with the free flowing pace of dynamic truth / life / reality.  
Inevitably in all cases whether we like it or not, actual reality shows up sooner or later to be different than what was judged / predicted / expected by us. That is when we are being victim of our own Maya and yet we feel we are being victimized / ditched / shocked / surprised by others who did not behave the way We thought they would.
Well, let us note that whether positive or negative, our Maya is Our Maya. And the world is not, need not, should not and will not perform accordingly. Everyone is free and everyone will act as per their dynamic nature & their ever changing free will. This will be so irrespective of what illusions we chose to cling on to about them / our relationship with them. The sooner we realize this, sooner we will end our own Maya from our lives.
Only way we can end this Maya is through our insight into our mental & spiritual journey, identifying the illusions developed or collected at each stage of the journey, making conscious choice with commitment to release the bondage with the illusions and consistent practice to do so.
We have grown our Maya in the garden of our lives throughout the life, and to end it permanently we need to uproot it from every stage / phase / memory of our lives. To end Maya in our lives we need to understand how and when it started in our lives. Well, it started right from the 9 months before birth. It is these 'nine months' decisive period when we as unborn baby could not only listen & feel but also responded in our own way. 60% of brain development occurred in intrauterine period. We started imbibing Maya from the world right from this stage.
Among Parent-to-child transmission of infectious diseases the most serious, most common and least discussed disease and that is the transmission of Maya – infection passed on at spiritual level from parent to child. Definition of Reproductive Justice includes mental, spiritual, and social well-being of our parents enabling them to make healthy decisions for selves in all areas of lives. Though unintentionally, this justice do get delayed if not denied in most cases.
Our parents own mental, spiritual & social health directly determines their preparedness to develop us as divine child free from Maya. Transmission of Maya multiplies when the Pregnancy is less by choice & more by chance and that too by parents who are yet to be mentally, socially & spiritually free of illusions. These illusions are in the form of their own clinging to their own judgements, prejudices and expectations from life as the truth.

At this stage we are very open to negative Maya of our parents (their negative judgements about self, each other and life in general). Most commonly seen negative Maya especially among first time mothers include inferiority complex, insecurities & feeling of helplessness. Most commonly seen negative Maya especially among first time fathers include superiority complex, aversion to commitment & sense of burden of responsibility. Though unintentionally, parents do pass on their negative Maya to us before our birth.
This Maya passed on from parents can be seen in the form of our personality & fears in our early years of childhood.  It is seen very vividly in the eldest child in the family. With next child, intensity of the Maya passed on from parents to child reduces due to increasing maturity of parents as individual and with their greater experience and understanding of role as parents. More or less, positive or negative, every child does get Maya from parents.
Let us free the child within us from the illusions it inherited from parents in past as the truth.
Peak time when we circum to positive Maya, Rosy Picture of real World, is during our adolescence our Teen age. Most common positive Maya in this age include having unrealistically positive ideas about our preferred career choices, taking life & future challenges as too easy, interpreting flattery or curiosity as love etc. resulting in inappropriate choices with respect to education, careers, friends & love.
Does our Maya end with end of Maya imbibed during childhood or adolescence? No, in adulthood we do have new set of Mayas that we need to be aware of in order to end it. We are challenged with new set of Mayas when we get married.
Maya post marriage can be positive Maya based on our own feelings about the spouse instigating our blind faith and total emotional dependence on spouse. This faith is called our Maya as it is irrespective of actual understanding about the spouse, his or her habits, character in crisis and ever changing nature.
Maya post marriage can also be negative Maya based on our own ego & insecurities based on our individual inferiority or superiority complex as spouse. This can start instigating our doubting nature against spouse, increasing level of demands and dominance, deepening levels of blames and allegations, worsening intensity of disrespect and damages. This too is our own Maya as it is operating irrespective of the actual potential, performance and personality of the spouse.
We all have observed so many marriages and individuals deteriorate due to too much of one sided positive or negative Maya. Most tragic examples are when both spouses suffer from opposite types of Mayas complementing each other’s Maya till the relationship & the individuals are broken apart. Typical example can be of a wife suffering with positive Maya full of surrender, sentimentalism & blind faith, tolerating exploitation by the husband who himself is suffering from negative Maya full of doubt, insensitivity, allegations and violence.
Let us free the spouse within us & with us from the illusions he / she felt and faced as the truth about each other.
Another very important relation where we need to end Maya is in our professional relationships with people from same profession. This is because intentionally or not, they do play significant role in shaping our professional identity in our own eyes. Positive Maya may put one into unrealistic partnership with undue dependence of one on another. Negative Maya may put one into destructive exercise of inappropriate criticism, disrespectful conduct, leg pulling, professional espionage & sabotage.
Let us free the professional within us & around us from the illusions he / she felt and faced as the truth about each other.
If you are a parent, then you have real opportunity to experience futility of our Maya. Our children do act as our eye openers PROVIDED we can observe them impartially and with open mind. Our positive Maya can make us over pampering / over protective / over interfering / over expecting parent. Our negative Maya can make us over criticizing / over demanding / over nagging parent. In either case it affect the child, the relation and the parent without helping the situation in hand.
Let us free the parent within us & the children around us from the illusions we felt and faced as the truth about each other.
Whatever may be our age and stage of life, it is time to be free of both types of Maya. Let this freedom be applied to all our relations with people, things and events of past, present & future. This is essential to be able to realize the truth as it is. This is critical to understand difference between actual reality and our illusions about the same. One of the starkest ways of reminding importance of ending our Maya is in reminding how we underwent mental / social / spiritual rape by self & others thanks to our Maya.
As we perform our duty to free ourselves from our Maya first, we also regain our ability to freely exercise our right of freedom from others Maya regarding us. And it is only then that we enable ourselves to live life as magnificently as it is meant to be with purposeful originality, divinity, dignity & grace for self & others.
The way in which we can end our Maya is by acknowledging us as the creator of our own Maya and accepting others for being what they were naturally. This requires objective review of all involved in our past starting with self. It also requires learning from the past choices made and consequences faced under the illusion by us. Easy to say than done but it is much easier to do rather than continuing the blame game, guilt or shame punishing us for not seeing in darkness in past even after it has come to light at present.
This realization is helping us to take the ownership for our Maya created in our life till date. It is helping us to discover these illusions as our creation our choice and our collection of thoughts. This discovery is  empowering us to free ourselves from the external locus of control, sense of helplessness and vulnerability perceived in front of other people / relations / situations  in past.
Yes today is the end of Maya. So what? It is Not the end of the world. Rather it is the beginning of life. We have been running behind the imaginary light of our own Maya. Now it’s no more. What Next? It’s our time now to become a beacon of light ourselves and to bring others into light of their own free spirit.
Now that we have ended our Maya It is now that this self is a complete adult.  A complete adult is defined as the one who is well aware of one’s own capacity to create new illusions.  And has the ability Not to get attached with the illusions as the truth while deciding how to respond to life in present. It is now that we respond to life as it is by being fully present in present.
As end of our Maya from past is achieved and rebirth of Maya in present is prevented, let us celebrate, Atyantik Pralaya, our Moksha, every day of every calendar because for the free spirit every moment is a festival of life. And our spirits are free! Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
Always with you in the journey of ending negative Maya
Shilpa Savant Inamdar

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